I’ve been in private practice for over five years now and the one thing that I’ve learned to value above all else is the extent to which palatable recipes enable my clients to best follow my nutrition guidance. There is simply no other way to put it. I know that

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According to Stats Canada data, approximately 40% of Canadians are using at least one type of prescription medication. When we look at the younger demographic, ages 15-44, it is still greater than 25% of population relies on prescription medication in some capacity. My regular readers will know that I’ve written

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March is Caffeine Awareness Month and given my well known penchant for everyone’s favourite 8-Carbon compound, I’m thrilled to once again be teaming up with the Canadian Beverage Association to produce some high quality educational content on caffeine. For those who didn’t get that nerdy reference, don’t worry because it

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I feel for my clients who are perpetually burdened by the idea that the caloric value of a food is its most salient characteristic. That’s exactly why I teamed up with wellness application developer Lifesum to record an informative webinar episode to debunk this commonly held belief. You can access

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For those that may not know, I happen to be a regular contributor to the National Post (Post Media) Health platform – Healthing.ca I’m writing on some topics that I’ve not really had a chance to explore on my own website, so I figured it would be quite nice to

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Genetically Modified Organisms, also known as GMOs, represent one of the most pervasive topics in modern nutrition discourse. Formally described by the WHO –  Genetically modified (GM) foods are foods derived from organisms whose genetic material (DNA) has been modified in a way that does not occur naturally, e.g. through

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First and foremost, I want to wish each and every one of you a happy and healthy New Year! To my clients, friends, family, colleagues and anyone who regularly enjoys my content – THANK YOU! It was a tough year, but your support and encouragement has made it far more

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Lucky number 7? I’d like to think so. I’m really thrilled to be able to announce today that my brilliant co-author Luis and I have put together a wonderful guide to all things DASH – Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension. Our 30-Minute DASH Diet Cookbook is your one stop shop

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Today is World Vitamin D Day and I’m thrilled you’ve decided to join me in celebration. Once thought of simply in terms of enhancing calcium absorption, today vitamin D is held in high regard as a potentially pivotal nutrient in the prevention and management of a variety of conditions. I’m

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What better way to demonstrate the ultimate power of dietary change then to point out the role nutrition plays in helping the vast majority of health concerns that often require medication to manage? Many of my clients in a certain age demographic are largely motivated to change the way they

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