Can Meditation Improve Your IBS Symptoms?

There are few topics in modern nutrition discourse that  garner as much attention as those related mental health, digestive health or the intricate connection between the two. Gut-brain connection ring a bell? Although nutrition is my obvious hobby horse, what interests me today is the manner in which the state

Acid Reflux – My Top 5 Ways To Fight Back

Acid reflux is a term used to describe the painful entry of stomach acid upwards through the digestive tract into the esophagus. Anyone can experience acid reflux from time to time, but frequent occurrence is often a sign that someone is suffering from gastroesophageal reflux disease [GERD]. GERD is a

PreCardix® Helps Maintain A Healthy Blood Pressure

Maintaining a healthy blood pressure is a key component of good health because blood pressure is tightly linked with cardiovascular health and elevated blood pressure is one of the most commonly reported conditions for which Canadians are prescribed medication for. A healthy blood pressure is often achieved and maintained through

5 Ways to “Get Ahead” of Daylight Savings Time

On Sunday March 13th our society will once again collectively spring forward and welcome the warmer, sunnier and longer days ahead. But we will also lose an hour of sleep, and there is both an adaptive period and cost associated with this – especially considering that about 1/3 of Canadians

5 No-Diet New Years Tips For A Happy Healthy 2022

Happy New Year everyone! Today’s piece was written by Leeauna Duchesne, who previously wrote an absolutely exceptional piece on nutrition and the gut microbiome which I highly recommend you guys review. Take it away Leeauna! 5 Non-Dieting Tips For A Happy, Healthy 2022 Reviewed by Andy De Santis RD MPH,

Four Ways To Boost Your Mood During COVID-19

As Mental Health Awareness month nears its conclusion I could not help but notice that my content in this category is perhaps overly skewed towards the interaction between nutrients and mental health outcomes, and perhaps not sufficiently focused on some of the other more humane aspects of the interaction between

The Top 8 Foods That Will Lower Your Blood Pressure

The majority of the most frequently prescribed and dispensed medications across North America are for lowering blood pressure. It is an incredibly common issue and one of the main reasons why an otherwise healthy person might end up at the doctor’s office requiring a prescription. As I discuss at length

Can Acupuncture Help With Acid Reflux & IBS?

As the virtual promotional tour for my latest Easy 5-Ingredient Acid Reflux Cookbook  continues to proceed full steam ahead, so too does my curiosity with the role of alternative treatment modalities in the world of digestive health. I know that public interest around unconventional or alternative treatments tends to be

Five Alternative Approaches To Reducing Acid Reflux

As one does when they write a book on a given subject, I did a significant amount of research for my 5-Ingredient Acid Reflux Cookbook. The book is lovingly presented below, by the way: Unfortunately due to word count constraints, not all of my research made it into the final