I’m of the opinion that legumes are the most underrated and underappreciated food group. Once you are done reading today’s article, you will understand why. Legumes are a family of foods which includes notable memories like lentils, chickpeas, kidney beans, edamame, fava beans and other members. Why Are Legumes SO

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Hey everyone! I’m here today with another EPIC recipe from my latest 5 Ingredient Heart Healthy Cookbook which, by the way, is the number one new release on Amazon in the heart healthy cooking category AND IS ON SALE NOW! Need some convincing before you grab your copy? The heart

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If you read my press release, you will know that I adopted four primary heart health principles in the development of my new 5-Ingredient Heart Healthy Cookbook. Each of these principles not only drove the content development of the book but, as you’d expect, the vast majority of the heart

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Those of you who have been following me for a while will know that, in addition to my own private practice and writing endeavours, I help coach and support other nutrition professionals in the world of blogging, social media (or both!) through my Kaleigraphy program. Kaleigraphy is a one-on-one mentorship

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I’m really thrilled today to be able to finally announce my 8th print publication The 5-Ingredient Heart Healthy Cookbook, which brings together some of messages and philosophies of a number my previous works and packs it all neatly into one place. I fully appreciate the type of year it has

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According to analysis of the most recent data, it’s possible that a significant portion of adults in this country do not consume adequate calcium from their diet. The same could be said about dietary fibre, particularly in the United States. In fact, calcium and fibre are two of the nutrients

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If you read the introductory post for my latest Heart Healthy Cookbook, you will know that in writing that book I identified four key nutrition pillars that determine good heart health. It might surprise you to hear, however, that dark chocolate has so many useful benefits that it actually contributes

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