Are you ready to reverse fatty liver disease and the metabolic health challenges that come along with it? Challenges like: Insulin resistance Elevated liver enzymes Excessive inflammation High blood fats [cholesterol, triglycerides] High blood sugar Microbiome imbalances That’s where I come in. I’ve spent the last two and a half
I consider fatty liver disease to be the disease of tomorrow that’s already here today. The acclaimed Lancet journal recently looked at the global prevalence of NAFLD and concluded not only that it was higher than previously estimated, but also that it was increasing at an “alarming” rate. Their work suggested
Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease, also referred to as Metabolic Associated Fatty Liver Disease, is the most common liver condition globally and the number one threat to your liver health. Recent estimates from the acclaimed Lancet journal suggest that 1 in 3 adults globally have a fatty liver, with 25% of
Inflammation is a contributor, if not a driver, of many of the most prominent health conditions. As a result, eating a more anti-inflammatory diet can help with: Arthritis Anxiety/Depression Fatty Liver Disease PCOS Among many others. This explains why there is a great deal of interest around the foods that
The prevalence of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease [NAFLD] has been increasing in the last few decades. Most recent estimates, as per the Lancet journal, suggest that 1 in 3 adults globally are currently living with NAFLD. I’ve helped a great number of people optimize their diet and lifestyle to fight
If you are living with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease your best course of action is to work towards adapting a more Mediterranean Diet style of eating and increasing your weekly physical activity to at least 150-250 minutes per week. Beyond that, there are several supplements with varying degrees of evidence
If we use the best available human evidence as our metric for evaluation, there is little question of the fact that the Mediterranean Diet is the best diet for fatty liver disease. Fatty liver disease, specifically Non Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease [NAFLD], affects up to 1 in 3 adults –
The majority of population level data suggests that that current magnesium intake levels are insufficient among a significant portion of adults. Earlier this year I did a live segment on CTV’s The Social discussing magnesium’s importance and apparently popularity. It is also true magnesium supplements are currently everywhere on page one
Add a protein to make this into a lighter meal OR utilize as a side salad to count for your veggies. Clicking either image above will take you to a piece of my writing exploring precisely why pomegranate and the other ellagic acid-rich foods listed above have unique and impactful
Those of you who are familiar with my work will know that I spend a great deal of time and energy creating content that highlights the unique nutritional value of specific foods. In the majority of cases, that value relies heavily on the presence of flavonoids – which I discuss
I always relish the opportunity to work with local brands that offer products aligned with my nutrition philosophy while also offering my clients and readers insight into a option that I feel really offers value and efficiency to the culinary aspect of their lives. Green Bowl Foods™ certainly checks those
Niacin, also known as Vitamin B3, may play an important role in helping people with a fatty liver to reduce their liver fat levels and ultimately work towards reversing fatty liver disease. Why? Niacin plays an important role in fat metabolism: Reduces transport of fatty acids into the liver Reduces
Thematic styles of eating capture different people for different reasons. Veganism, for example, speaks largely to those who are compelled by animal welfare, ethics and environmental concerns. The increasingly popular carnivore diet, as you might imagine, speaks to a very different crowd. In today’s post, a Halloween special, I’m offering
Polyphenols are a family of plant compounds bound together both by their unique chemical structures and their tangible influence on human health. I’ve previously written a piece discussing the role of polyphenol-rich foods for the prevention and reversal of fatty liver disease, and I encourage anyone interested in the role
Lignans are a unique sub-family of polyphenol compounds that are found in rich-supply in relatively few foods. The most abundant sources by far are flax and sesame seeds. The easiest way to boost the lignan content of your diet would be the incorporation of those two foods, but they aren’t
Camu-camu, scientifically Myrciaria dubia, is a plant species native to the Amazon rainforest that bears a polyphenol-rich fruit resembling a cherry. It is a type of fruit that people in North America may not be likely to encounter in its original fresh form, but that is also available as a powdered
Have you been told by your doctor that your HDL or “good” cholesterol is too low? HDL cholesterol helps your body get rid of excess fats in the bloodstream – a very important functionality. The functionality of HDL is mirrored by its cholesterol efflux activity, as well as its antioxidant