The Best Foods For An Enlarged Prostate [BPH]

An enlarged prostate, also referred to as benign prostate hyperplasia [BPH], is a relatively common concern that arises in men as they age. I’ve seen estimates suggesting that it may affect up to half of the male population who are 60 and older. Having an enlarged prostate does not increase

The Best Supplements For Fatty Liver Disease

If you are living with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease your best course of action is to work towards adapting a more Mediterranean Diet style of eating and increasing your weekly physical activity to at least 150-250 minutes per week. Beyond that, there are several supplements with varying degrees of evidence

The Best Foods For Fatty Liver Disease [NAFLD]

If we use the best available human evidence as our metric for evaluation, there is little question of the fact that the Mediterranean Diet is the best diet for fatty liver disease. Fatty liver disease, specifically Non Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease [NAFLD], affects up to 1 in 3 adults –

The Best And Worst Foods For Adult Acne

Skin nutrition is a subject matter of significant personal and professional interest so when my writing volunteer Mashaal expressed a desire to explore the connection between diet and adult acne, I needed little convincing. Mashaal, like myself, has a vested interest in nutrition for adult acne both from the perspective

Zinc – Benefits & Which Foods Have The Most?

In certain demographics in Canada it is possible that up to around 1 in 3 people consume zinc below the recommended levels. Given that June is Men’s Health Month, and that Zinc intake is tied both to male testosterone levels and erectile dysfunction risk, I could hardly think of a

Four Supplements That May Reduce Your Anxiety

Anxiety disorders are a family of conditions often referred to simply as “anxiety” which represent the most prevalent mental health condition globally. Anxiety impacts more people than depression does, and is more common in females than males with over 275 million total global cases. Various medications used to help treat

The Dietary Changes That May Help With Depression

The use of antidepressant medication in Canada has increased significantly since the 1990s, with usage rates of over 5% making them among the most frequently prescribed medications in our country. This speaks, in part, to the mental health challenges we all face. Challenges only worsened by the recent pandemic, which

Do Magnesium Supplements Really Help You Relax?

Magnesium, in its various supplemental forms, occupies a number of spots on’s top selling vitamin and mineral supplement list. It also happens to be one of the more under consumed minerals at population level. These two characteristics make it a topic of extra intrigue, especially when I observe some

The Different Types Of Tofu – And How To Use Them

Happy Valentine’s Day everyone! Today I have a very special piece brought to you by my intern Evan Huang-Ku. You can find Evan via his website and Instagram, and I encourage you to follow and support his work going forward as I’ve encouraged him to dabble more in writing and