My Fatty Liver Reversal Coaching Program [New]

Are you ready to reverse fatty liver disease and the metabolic health challenges that come along with it?

Challenges like:

  • Insulin resistance
  • Elevated liver enzymes
  • Excessive inflammation
  • High blood fats [cholesterol, triglycerides]
  • High blood sugar
  • Microbiome imbalances

That’s where I come in.

I’ve spent the last two and a half years fully engrossed in the science surrounding what causes and resolves fatty liver disease, an increasingly common condition which is a sign of worse things to come.

This of course is above and beyond my nearly decade of experience as a private practice dietitian helping people master their personal nutrition and resolve the previously outlined health concerns.

In May Of 2022 –  I published a book The Essential Diet For Fatty Liver 

Earlier This Year –  I created an online course and community – Fatty Liver Fighters 

Invaluable resources yes, but I’ve realized that I need an offering which brings them all together.

You’ll only need to have been my social media activity (TikTok, Instagram, LinkedIn) over the last two years to fully appreciate my commitment to providing the best possible science and guidance in this area.

You can even Google “Andy The RD fatty liver” to take a look at my abundant body of work in this area.

Ready To Reverse Fatty Liver Disease?

My new Fatty Liver Reversal Coaching Program is for you.

The offer includes:

  • A free copy of my fatty liver e-book ( includes recipes)
  • Lifetime access to my online course & community ( 5+ hours of instructional video)
  • An initial assessment which includes the creation of a customized nutrition &  supplementation strategy
  • 2x follow up assessments to assess progress and refine our approach (more can be added)

Reach Out Today For More Information

You can contact me directly via my e-mail form or 647 886 2197 to express your interest in private coaching.

Andy De Santis RD MPH