I’ve loved writing since my teenage years but it’s only in the last few that I’ve realized how incredible of a tool writing can be to foster both professional development and personal success. The fact that you are reading today’s post, in a world where writing is supposedly dead, is
Hello everyone! I am so thrilled to be introducing my first ever Kaleigraphy client in the personal training field: Mark Breedon. Mark is a Toronto-based online trainer with a BSc Human Kinetics and BSc Nutrition as well as NSCA-CPT certification. Mark and I worked Kaleigraphy magic together on a piece
“Food is symbolic of love when words are inadequate.” —Alan D. Wolfelt What a coincidence it is then that the annual holiday of love that we celebrate on February 14th each year, was actually originally a feast celebrating a Saint by the name of Valentine. In fact, there is nothing coincidental
Anyone who knows me knows that I am very passionate about writing and blogging. The proof is in the pudding really, my commitment to writing has been fundamental to my private practice and professional success. As of today, I’m a 8x published author – which would not be possible without