If you’ve been at all interested in the connection between dietary intake and NAFLD risk or progression, it’s very likely that the topic of fructose has come up during the course of your research. In fact, my recent foray into TikTok strongly demonstrated just how eager people are to singularly

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If you have been diagnosed with fatty liver disease, the best available scientific evidence suggests eating a bit less saturated fat will probably help. But why is this the case and which foods are highest in saturated fat? Let’s find out! Sources Of Saturated Fat Beef and other red meat

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Milk thistle, scientifically referred to as Silybum marianum, is a herbal remedy that has long been considered to offer unique benefits to the liver. Its primary active ingredient, Silymarin, has been demonstrated in some capacity to have strong antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects and, as such, has generated interest as a

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The Mediterranean diet is the primary dietary pattern recommended by the 2020 ESPEN Practice Guidelines For Clinical Nutrition In Liver Disease for those living with NAFLD hoping to improve insulin sensitivity and reduce fat storage on the liver (known as steatosis). Today’s article won’t likely be the first time you’ve

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Probiotics are the most effective, evidence-based supplement available for fatty liver disease. This is because the human digestive tract is strongly connected to most, if not all, of our major organs. Look no further than the fact that you’ll likely have heard terms such as the gut-brain axis and the

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