Eat More Vitamin E To Reduce Your Fatty Liver Risk

The role that nutrition has to play in preventing fatty liver disease [NAFLD] has become a topic of great personal and professional fascination.

Recent estimates out of the acclaimed Lancet journal suggest that 1 in 3 adults globally suffer from NAFLD, a staggering figure to say the least.

If you’re familiar with my work, you’ll know I’ve done a great deal of research and writing in world of liver health and fatty liver disease management.

I’ve also helped a significant number of clients meaningfully and measurably improve their fatty liver disease.

In today’s post, I turn my attention to the role of Vitamin E – a fat soluble antioxidant vitamin with significant anti-inflammatory capabilities.

Do people who consume more Vitamin E rich foods have a lower risk of ending up with a fatty liver?

Let’s find out.

Vitamin E  & Fatty Liver Disease

Those with some familiarity in this area will probably be aware that Vitamin E in supplemental form is a common recommendation specifically for individuals with biopsy proven NASH (a more severe form of NAFLD)  but without diabetes.

That’s quite a specific context, however, and the role that dietary Vitamin E might play tends to be referenced less often.

That is until the American Journal Of Gastroenterology published new observational data in 2022 which demonstrated that individuals with the highest Vitamin E intake had a measurably lower risk of fatty liver diagnosis over time compared to those with lower levels.

Although we cannot jump to significant conclusions from one study alone, it is possible that dietary Vitamin E has a protective effect against fatty liver disease.

It is certainly true, as you’re about to find out, that the foods highest in Vitamin E are among the most nutritious in our food system and confer a number of other health benefits.

How many of them are in your dietary repertoire?

Foods Highest In Vitamin E

  • Healthy Fats (sunflower seeds, almonds, avocado)
  • Specific Veggies (broccoli, spinach, butternut squash)
  • Specific Fruits (kiwi, mango, blackberry)
  • Fish,/Seafood (salmon, trout, shrimp)

Eating at least one serving of the foods listed above from at least three of the four listed food families on a daily will do wonders to boost your Vitamin E intake and overall dietary pattern.

It may also reduce your future risk of NAFLD.

Need Help Fighting Back Against Fatty Liver?

Andy De Santis RD MPH


Further Fatty Liver Reading

The Best Foods For Fatty Liver Disease [NAFLD] – Andy The RD

The Best Supplements For Fatty Liver Disease – Andy The RD

Flavonoid-Rich Foods May Prevent Fatty Liver – Andy The RD