It was a long road to get here but I truly hope you guys like my brand new website.
Rather than talk about the site, however, I want to talk about all the people who made it possible.
First and foremost, I want to thank my website team, who put in some serious work over the past several months to help make this dream become a reality.
They exceeded my expectations at every turn and did whatever it took to make sure the final product was what it needed to be.
Thank you guys so much!!!!
Starting with today’s release, I am confident that 2017 is going to be a great year for Andy The RD.
Those of you who have been following me will know that I started this journey just over a year ago and although I am far from reaching all of my goals, I am thrilled with the success I have achieved thus far.
I worked hard for it, but that success is really down to each and every one of you.
To my clients… thank you for putting your faith in the new kid on the block. Know that helping you reach your health goals is my utmost priority and I am thankful for each and every one of you. To my potential and future clients, I can’t wait to work with you!
To my friends, family and loved ones… thank you for your unwavering support from day 1. When good things have happened for me they have felt even better because I got to share them with you. When bad things have happened they haven’t felt nearly as bad because I’ve had you guys there. Your guidance has been critical to my personal and professional growth and I’m so grateful for my small but infinitely strong support system.
To my guest bloggers… thank you for valuing my social media and website as a strong enough platform to exchange free labour for ( hahaha).. You guys always step up and produce great content that helps me to balance my offerings and focus on what I do best. Know that I am here to help and support you in any way that I can.
To the magazines and websites who gave me a shot… I can have a press page because of you! In all seriousness, on my quest to have my content published I reached out to and was rejected by so many different platforms. For those of you who believed in my work, know that I appreciate that greatly and will strive to continue to reward your faith in me
To my social media family and blog readers… I cannot thank you guys enough for the time and commitment you give to me. Your likes, comments and engagement are invaluable to me and motivate me greatly. I work incredibly hard to produce enjoyable and educational content and I am so grateful for how well it is received. I will continue to be the only dietitian that I know how to be and relentlessly pursue my goal of both entertaining and informing you guys.
To my haters… Just kidding, I don’t have any.
At the end of the day, if you have taken the time to read this letter, you are one of the extremely important people who has helped to make my dream a reality.
People often throw around the expression “I couldn’t have done it without you”
But I literally could not have done it without you.
Thank you and I can’t wait to continue this journey with each and every one of you along for the ride.
Until next time ( aka Tomorrow),
Andy “ the RD” De Santis RD MPH