I think it’s fair to say that I had nothing short of a mind blowing experience at FNCE 2018.
I wanted to take this opportunity to reflect on my time DC because I am, quite frankly, feeling extraordinarily grateful for how warmly I was received.
So let me start by saying a quick thank you to anyone out there who took the time to say hello to me, attend my panel, including anyone who has read one my posts or laugh at one of my jokes over the last several years.
Your support has not gone unnoticed or unappreciated and is obviously a massive part of why I’m here today.
So let’s get to the good stuff!
I arrived in DC as a nervous and apprehensive first timer but left FNCE with one particular and overwhelming feeling: Hunger
No, not because I had no access to my own kitchen for 4 straight days ( although that is partially true).
More like the hunger for continued achievement, know what I mean?
If I had to summarize the value of FNCE in the most concise way possible, I would say that it renewed my motivation for continued hard work.
That is inclusive of:
Working with more clients ( private, practice, Kaleigraphy or otherwise)
Continuing to produce high quality blog content
Pursuing more external opportunities ( perhaps a second book deal?)
And, of course…
Trying to make people laugh
So what am I really saying?
I think the one thing that many of us get caught up in, and I am certainly VERY guilty of this, is not appreciating how valuable time away from your work is in terms of renewing and refreshing both your passion and your creativity.
Yes, obviously a vacation on a tropical island could have a similar effect, but FNCE really is the perfect storm when it comes to motivation.
You are surrounded by like-minded colleagues sharing their stories of success, acquiring pertinent new knowledge from the very well run sessions, and really just being celebrated for the important work that you do.
What else could you ask for really?
All of those experiences are so incredibly rewarding, and if you were lucky enough to be involved in an event yourself, even better.
And if you weren’t and you want to be someday, hopefully that stirred up hunger in you as well!
So with that being said, I believe the #1 most valuable aspect of attending FNCE has nothing to do with what actually takes place at the event, but rather the emotion and passion it stirs up in you and that you can return home with, and keep with you, for the rest of the year.
So if you were unable to attend this year but debating it for next, I hope this helped you understand the value of making the trip.
Until next time
Andy De Santis RD MPH