The Best Foods To Lower Blood Sugar Levels [A1C]

Canadian public health data suggests that 1 in 10 Canadian adults are living with diabetes, with about 90% of that population living with type 2.

There also about 1 in 8 Canadians, an even larger number, who are living with prediabetes.

In today’s blog post I’m going to offer forward four key families of foods that have significant potential to improve blood glucose control as well as general health.

Let’s get to the good stuff.

Reduce A1C With These Four Key Food Groups

The dietary management of diabetes significantly scales in complexity dependent on the type of diabetes, the presence/absence of medication and the overall health status of the individual.

Incorporating some of the key foods we are about to discuss with great regularity has the potential to play a meaningful role in the dietary management and reduction of your A1C.

These key foods include:


The legume family of foods includes choice such as lentils, chickpeas, kidney beans and related foods.  These foods, by some margin, are the richest source of dietary soluble fibre which has very strong positive effects on blood sugar management.

Case in point, the long-term consumption of these foods at the rate of about ~5 cups weekly has been shown to lead to significant reductions in A1C.

Although perhaps slightly less potent than those mentioned above, soy-based foods such as tofu, tempeh and edamame are also good sources of soluble fibre and may contribute to a dietary pattern that favours improved blood sugar control.

Tree Nuts

The consumption of ~ 50 grams per day of nuts has been shown to be an effective dietary strategy to contribute to lower A1C levels

It just so happens that tree nuts, like almonds, walnuts and hazelnuts, are also very effective in the management and reduction of blood cholesterol levels as well.

Soluble-Fibre Rich Fruit 

Contrary to commonly held belief in certain circles, the exclusion of fruit is not a recommended strategy in diabetes management nor does it contribute to reductions in A1C.

In fact, the consumption of two fruits per day over a 3 month period contributes to a reduction in A1C levels.

Although all fruits fit, certain varieties such as avocado, orange, apple, pear, plum and banana are particularly high in soluble fibre which may confer additional benefits to blood sugar control.

Combining these foods with tree nuts, as per above, makes for an incredibly healthy and synergistic snack ( also owing to the fact that the vitamin C from fruit enhances the iron absorption from the nuts, which is particularly useful for vegans/vegetarians!)

Soluble-Fibre Rich Veggies

Let’s be honest here, your A1C never met a vegetable it didn’t like ( even if you have!).

It should come as no surprise that vegetable intake is strongly recommended as an A1C lowering dietary strategy and that plenty of evidence exists that the inclusion of all types of veggies, especially leafy greens, plays a meaningful role in diabetes prevention and management.

As with fruit, certain types of vegetables are higher in soluble fibre than others.

A sample of these selections include brussel sprouts, broccoli, asparagus,okra, eggplant and sweet potatoes.

Other Soluble Fibre Rich + Low GI Foods

Owing to its unique slowing effect on the digestion of food, soluble fibre is a dietary component that will almost inevitably contribute to enhanced blood sugar control over time.

If you’d like a list of other foods highest in soluble fibre, you can find that here.

Some of the notable foods on this list include certain types of seeds and whole grains such as barley, quinoa, ground flaxseed and steel cut oatmeal ( which, as I explain in this article, is a superior choice for blood sugar management as compared to instant oats) among many others..

Newly Diagnosed With Pre Or T2DM? I Can Help

If the information presented today is helpful but overwhelming, know that you don’t have to navigate it alone.

I can help you bring the science to life in a way that accommodates your dietary preferences and lifestyle, so if you need support and guidance on the path to conquering your A1C please reach out to discuss working with me on 1-on-1.

You don’t need a convoluted or overly complicated approach to lower your blood sugar levels, and I can show you why.

Andy De Santis RD MPH


Bonus Content – Supplements

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