The Anti-Aging Benefits Of Collagen – How It Helps

My Love For Skin Nutrition

As someone who dealt with a significant amount of facial skin challenges in my younger years, I’ve always been captivated by the role that nutrition and supplementation play in maintaining good skin health.

It’s for this reason that I’ve written extensively about topics ranging from adult acne to eczema to psoriasis and quite frequently on anti-aging skin nutrition too.

I get the strong sense that people are compelled this topic area, and I’m more than happy to oblige.

It’s also the case that many of the same foods I want people eating more often for other health reasons also tend to improve skin health too.

There’s also a meaningful role for supplementation too.

A Focus On Collagen Supplements

Which brings me to today’s post – a collaboration with Pure North Naturals looking at the evidence-based anti-aging skin benefits of hydrolyzed collagen supplementation.

The views and scientific conclusions presented in today’s post are my own, but the content package I’ve created is financially sponsored by Pure North Naturals.

Pure North Naturals carries both Marine & Bovine Collagen Peptides that provide 10 grams of hydrolyzed collagen per serving.

We are about to find out how far that can take you.

The Anti-Aging Benefits Of Hydrolyzed Collagen

The insights shared in today’s post are largely  derived from a recently published 2023 systematic review and meta-analysis out of the Nutrients journal.

This comprehensive review paper looked at a total of 26 randomized, controlled human trials involving over 1,700 participants between the age of 20 and 70 years old – the vast majority of which were women.

Before we jump into the science, let’s start with a brief introduction to what collagen is all about.

An Intro To Collagen

Collagen is a unique protein that supports and directs the development of connective tissue and represents the majority of non-water content of human skin.

Our bodies ability to produce collagen declines as we age, which is one among a complex array of reasons explaining the skin aging process that is characterized by skin wrinkles and decreases in skin thickness, elasticity and hydration.

People spend a great deal of time and money on expensive topical and injectable remedies to mitigate these biological realities, but hydrolyzed collagen supplements represent one of the most economical and efficient ways to contribute to skin youthfulness –  alongside a healthy diet of course.

The Nutrients Collagen Study Summary


The studies in this meta-analysis used between 2.5-10 grams of hydrolyzed collagen per day from different sources including marine and bovine.

The broad effective dose range is helpful for those who may be sensitive to supplements or who, in very rare cases, experience GI issues with larger doses.


The majority of the studies tested collagen supplementation over a  4-12 week period, with some evidence suggesting that the benefits of use are greater over a longer period.


The two primary outcomes that improved in a statistically significant fashion after collagen supplementation included:

  1. An increase in skin elasticity
  2. An increase in skin hydration [moisture]


Skin elasticity decreases with age and generally refers to your skins ability to stretch or move and return back to its original position. As elasticity decreases, wrinkling and sagging of skin is more likely.

Collagen plays an important role in forming the structural network of skin and supplementing with collagen peptides does seem to offer “anti-wrinkle” benefits.


Skin hydration refers to the amount of water content your skin can hold. Well hydrated skin may appear more smooth and radiant whereas dry skin may appear more flaky and dry.

Collagen supplementation stimulates hyaluronic acid production and hyaluronic acid is the foundational molecule responsible for skins water holding capacity.

Collagen Science – From Mouth To Skin

Above and beyond the measurable benefits of collagen supplementation, I wanted to close today’s article with a discussion of how collagen works in the human body.

The summary below was synthesized from a 2023 review paper out of the Cureus journal.

Step 1 – Ingestion

Hydrolyzed collagen is absorbed and travels through the bloodstream in the form of di and tripeptides where they then accumulate in various bodily tissues – including your skin.

Over time, this accumulation leads to a physiological response in your skin.

Step 2 – Response

As mentioned earlier, collagen peptides stimulate the production of hyaluronic acid leading to improved water retention and skin hydration.

These peptides stimulate collagen production in the skin, which improves the skin’s natural barrier and explains the elasticity benefits associated with collagen supplementation.

They also stimulate the production of Filaggrin, a protein required for the optimal formation and functionality of the skin barrier.

More Info On Pure North Naturals

Pure North Naturals are proudly Canadian made with an emphasis on using only the highest quality ingredients and rigorous third-party testing.

You can find a link to their collagen peptide supplement above – they also carry a marine version.

A special thanks to their team for giving me further incentive to indulge my scientific side and explore this important and highly relevant topic in the world of skin health and anti-aging nutrition.

I hope you enjoyed reading it as much as I enjoyed preparing it.

Until next time,

Andy De Santis RD MPH