If you’ve yet to read part I of this series, you can do so here. Let’s keep the party going. Today’s content is a little bit spicier, hope you enjoy it. The concept of “serving size” kind of doesn’t exist but it kind of does I wanted to include this

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Nearly a decade into my career as a private practice dietitian, there could hardly be a better time than now to put virtual pen to paper and express to you some of the broader nutrition philosophies I’ve developed during that period of time. Those who have worked with me over

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I consider fatty liver disease to be the disease of tomorrow that’s already here today. The acclaimed Lancet journal recently looked at the global prevalence of NAFLD and concluded not only that it was higher than previously estimated, but also that it was increasing at an “alarming” rate. Their work suggested

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Hello everyone! Today my student writer Abby Webber will be taking us on a journey into the world of insulin resistance, offering some practical insights into how you can better utilize specific dietary components to improve your insulin sensitivity and overall health. Let’s find out what some of the best

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Have you ever wondered what the most common reasons are for a family (primary care) doctor are in Canada? I certainly have! Chalk that up to my natural dietitian curiosity, but I’ve always been intrigued by patterns and statistics like this. Which is why I’ve previously written pieces on similar

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Fatty Liver Disease is the most common liver health concern in North America with the latest estimates suggesting that 1 in 3 adults are living with a fatty liver. Despite quite a rampant increase in its medical relevance, there is currently no pharmaceutical treatment option for this condition. People living

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Insulin is a hormone synthesized by the pancreas that plays a vital role in controlling blood sugar levels. Insulin resistance occurs when the muscle, fat, and liver cells of your body lose their previous capacity to absorb glucose from the bloodstream for energy. Consequences of insulin resistance can include: Pre

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Insulin resistance is a phenomenon which attracts as much attention from the scientific community as does it from the increasingly curious general public. Commonly referred to as IR, insulin resistance describes the physiological state whereby a person’s bodily cells do not respond as well to insulin as a we might

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Reishi, scientifically referred to as Ganoderma lucidum, is a species of medicinal mushroom that has been historically valued throughout Asia for its immune boosting properties. Reishi has also been the subject of growing scientific interest around its potential anti-cancer effects– with use as complimentary supplements in cancer patients seeming to

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I’ve spent a great deal of time over the last several months taking a deep dive into the different ways humans are able to positively influence their gut microbiome via nutrition, lifestyle and supplemental strategies. A significant majority of the most common health concerns are associated with an imbalance between

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