Lucky number 7? I’d like to think so. I’m really thrilled to be able to announce today that my brilliant co-author Luis and I have put together a wonderful guide to all things DASH – Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension. Our 30-Minute DASH Diet Cookbook is your one stop shop

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The majority of the most frequently prescribed and dispensed medications across North America are for lowering blood pressure. It is an incredibly common issue and one of the main reasons why an otherwise healthy person might end up at the doctor’s office requiring a prescription. As I discuss at length

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Given that I’m currently promoting the upcoming release of my 30-Minute DASH Diet Cookbook, it would be a missed opportunity for me not to take a couple of hundred words to discuss one of the most popular trends in the world of salt & sodium. Pink Himalayan Salt. If you’ve

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In today’s article, I have the simple aim of identifying the biggest contributors of sodium to the “average” North American’s diet. Why? Well, excessive sodium intake is a major dietary driver of high blood pressure which in turn is the most common reason why Canadians get prescribed medication. Enter my

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Nearly a decade ago a British-born but Toronto-based clinician scientist by the name of Dr  David Jenkins came up with a dietary pattern or “portfolio” which was proven to be incredibly effective at lowering LDL cholesterol levels. What is sometimes referred to as the Portfolio Diet, this style of eating

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