Soluble fibre is one of two types of dietary fibre and can be challenging to consume in adequate quantities if you:
- Don’t consume a diverse diet
- Don’t understand its benefits
- Don’t know which foods contain it
A high soluble fibre diet is one of a number of characteristics in the region of the world where people live longer than anywhere else.
Why might this be?
Soluble fibre moves through your digestive tract in a unique way by turning into a gel, absorbing water and other compounds and slowing the movement of food as a result.
This effect makes it particularly useful for both blood sugar management and blood cholesterol management (for different reasons, click through the key words to learn why).
It also increases the amount of water your poop can hold, which in turn softens it and potentially eases bowel movements.
Such characteristics also make it advantages for gut health purposes and at least partially why soluble fibre is well regarded in the guidelines set out by Canadian Association Of Gastroenterology for the management of IBS.
With IBS sufferers also in mind, I’ve opted for the sake of this article to identify soluble fibre rich foods that are lower to moderate in FODMAPs per serving but that still retain the meaningful physiological benefits unique to this type of fibre.
Let’s see what I came up with!
Soluble Fibre-Rich Foods – My Top 10 Selections
The goal of today’s article is to deliver a “top 10” list of soluble-fibre containing foods.
My list includes:
Ground Flaxseed – An easy choice, easy to use food that can be thrown into anything from salads to smoothies. Bonus points for also being rich in essential omega-3 fatty acids, which are found in very few other foods. Ground chia & hemp seeds are great alternatives.
Tofu– A wonderful source of plant-based protein and soluble fiber, you guys already know how I feel about soy. Edamame works too!
Canned Lentils – Legumes are heavily underrated foods but also not always well tolerated, small amounts ( 1/2 cup or less) of canned lentils are a good starting point.
Okra – Some of you may be unfamiliar with okra, it’s time to change that. Don’t feel like trying something new? Zucchini & eggplant work here too.
Green beans – Fresh or frozen, green beans are economical, underrated and a classic family food. Carrots work too!
Collard Greens- Although I feel like I’m betraying kale a bit with this leafy green selection, if you’ve never used collard greens before now is your chance to start.
Strawberries/Raspberries/Blueberries – Among the fruits with the highest anti-oxidant content, berries either fresh or frozen are a no-brainer.
Kiwi – Exceptionally high in vitamin C, kiwi is an extra suitable suit choice for vegans & vegetarians. Oranges work too!
Sweet Potato/Squash – Two of my favourite foods, also incredibly high in vitamin A, a wide array of anti-oxidants and low glycemic index.
Quinoa/Oatmeal – Quinoa and oatmeal are among the popular starchy foods with notably high soluble fiber content.
Need Help Lowering Your LDL, A1C Or Both?
Looking to utilize the power of soluble fibre to take your health to the next level?
Let’s work together, don’t hesitate to reach out to learn how I can help you eat in a way to put a serious dent in your blood sugar and cholesterol levels using the power of soluble fibre and other highly effective food components.
Andy De Santis RD MPH