Lucky number 7?
I’d like to think so.
I’m really thrilled to be able to announce today that my brilliant co-author Luis and I have put together a wonderful guide to all things DASH – Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension.
Our 30-Minute DASH Diet Cookbook is your one stop shop to fighting back against hypertension and it’s available for pre-order as of TODAY!
Every pre-order counts towards the books success at launch and longevity AND it ships in four weeks just in time for the holidays, so don’t delay!
Hypertension, also known as high blood pressure, is one of the most common reasons why Canadians are prescribed medication and thus represents a significant public health concern.
It’s also a major risk factor for heart and kidney disease.
But, as you’re about to see, it’s really quite a bit more than some future evil that you can freely disregard.
Between the ages of 20-79 – One in four Canadian men, and one in five Canadian women are living with hypertension.
The higher prevalence of hypertension in males over females is at least partially explained by the fact that men tend to consume more sodium, and as a result are also more likely to require prescription blood pressure lowering medication at an earlier age.
I must also gently remind the men reading today’s post that women in Canada tend to live four years longer than you do.
So gentlemen, please that little bit of pay extra attention to today’s post.
High Blood Pressure – A Problem For Both The Present & Future You
Hypertension is generating some interest as a potential risk factor for dementia in later life, and is a well acknowledged and well studied risk factor for erectile dysfunction both as a direct cause and indirect concern given that certain blood pressure lowering medications may increase the risk of ED (although this can be avoided via open communication with your healthcare team).
Don’t believe me?
Take a look at:
World Journal Of Cardiology 2014
International Journal Of Hypertension 2012
International Journal Of Impotence Research 2018
I could go on, but will leave that for a future article in the hopes that I do indeed have your attention for now.
The fun doesn’t stop here though.
Gout, which is a painful yet common form of arthritis, is far more prevalent in men then it is in women.
I’ve helped many men with this condition, and studies show that the DASH diet is an effective dietary pattern to reduce gout risk in men.
The DASH diet may also contribute to a reduced risk of breast cancer as well as a reduced risk of stomach cancer.
So where did this highly effective dietary pattern come from?
Let’s find out.
All About The DASH Diet
Back in the 90s the American National Institute of Health ( NIH) began looking into different dietary styles that might be effective against the ever increasing problem of hypertension in the American population.
What they found was that diverse dietary patterns which emphasize potassium, calcium and magnesium rich foods, and limit sodium, tend to be the most effective for blood pressure lowering.
The DASH style of eating has since gone to wide acclaim, regularly ranking quite highly across most categories by the US News Report.
I much prefer to think of DASH as a dietary pattern, because it does not explicitly deny the intake of any given food group, rather it focuses on emphasizing a wide array of foods including fruits, veggies, dairy, whole grains, dairy and a wide array of protein sources.
Independent of its blood pressure lowering effects, the DASH approach really does represent a reasonable and balanced approach to food.
But there’s a bit of a catch, you have to watch your sodium intake.
Or get a book, like mine, that does that job for you.
The DASH Diet Has Sodium Limits
As I’ve alluded to so far, we simply cannot deny that dietary sodium intake is a major modifiable driver of hypertension in North America.
With this in mind, the DASH diet generally recommends sodium intake to be within the 1500-2300 mg range, with intakes on the lower end of that spectrum likely to lead to greater blood pressure lowering effects.
Now the issue is that the average sodium intake of Canadians is around 2750 mg, with the CDC reporting that these levels are almost as high as 3400 mg in Americans.
In both instances, it is men who tend to consume more sodium.
This is where the DASH diet, and my latest book , comes into play.
Who Is This Book For?
Despite my noting that men in particular should be wary about their blood pressure and sodium intake, my latest book really is for anyone who is looking for more structure and guidance around their dietary pattern, but delivered in a way that specifically emphasizes blood pressure reduction in the context of the proven DASH method.
The 30-Minute DASH Diet Cookbook is divided into two sections.
The first is a comprehensive discussion of all things DASH including a thorough review of the science behind it, why it works and how you can implement it in your daily life.
The second section builds upon the wisdom of the first by bringing the DASH diet principles to life with a wide array of time-sensitive recipes that will allow you to embrace this style of eating in an efficient, effective and enjoyable way.
Oh and did I mention it includes a 21-day meal plan as well?
I have to give all the credit to my co-author and recipe developer Luis Gonzalez for going above and beyond in curating a collection of really exceptional recipes that really bring this section of the book to life.
If you’d like to learn more about Luis, the section to follow is a full spotlight on him.
This was our first time working together, and it a real pleasure which I know has translated well into the final product.
In other words, you guys are going to LOVE the recipes in this one.
As with my other publications, you can expect the next several weeks leading up to the book’s on sale date to be full of recipe reveals and DASH specific educational content to help get you excited about the book and the science behind it.
The book ships on December 22nd and is available for pre-order as of today!!
Every pre-order counts as they go a long way to positioning the book well at release date, so please don’t hesitate to grab a few copies for your friends and family.
What better holiday gift could you ask for?
Luis and I sincerely thank you for your support.
Until next time,
Co-Author Spotlight – Luis Gonzalez MS,RD, LDN
Luis is passionate about home cooking and believes that healthy meals can be quick and easy, while also delivering flavor! A lot of the recipes included in this book are staples in his weekly meal planning, and he hopes they will now be part of our readers’ too!