The Institute Of Medicine (IOM) suggests that male’s consume around 3.7 L of fluid daily and women consume 2.7 L of fluid daily. Fluid, of course, can be ingested in various forms including water (the most likely candidate) as well as tea, coffee, other beverages as well as modest contributions

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Last year the American Journal Of Clinical Nutrition published a paper based on recently released survey data looking at the eating habits of Canadian adults. They found that very specific vitamins and minerals were under consumed by large swathes of the population. Today my gaze turns to Vitamin A, for

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My goal with today’s post is simple – to shed light on some of the long-term health benefits of regular coffee consumption. I’ll do so via sharing various infographics  – each of which are linked either to further writing or research so that you may explore the subject matter that

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Inflammation is equal parts an ultra relevant physiological phenomenon and an over-used buzz word scattered throughout popular nutrition discourse. Given inflammation’s role in health and disease, many people seek out various foods, beverages and supplements that are deemed to have anti-inflammatory potential. But what does that really mean, and can

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The goal of today’s article is work through, or squeeze out, some of the major myths and misconceptions about 100% juice intake and the role it plays in contributing to our health. Let’s start by identifying that 100% fruit juice means juice that is directly squeezed from a fruit and

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On Sunday March 13th our society will once again collectively spring forward and welcome the warmer, sunnier and longer days ahead. But we will also lose an hour of sleep, and there is both an adaptive period and cost associated with this – especially considering that about 1/3 of Canadians

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You guys will know my Kaleigraphy intern Kat by her exceptional writing, but what you may not know is that she is also exceptionally business savvy – having created a dietitian-specific VA service. In today’s post I play a small part in promoting this exceptional service, giving Kat the opportunity

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Happy New Year everyone! Today’s piece was written by Leeauna Duchesne, who previously wrote an absolutely exceptional piece on nutrition and the gut microbiome which I highly recommend you guys review. Take it away Leeauna! 5 Non-Dieting Tips For A Happy, Healthy 2022 Reviewed by Andy De Santis RD MPH,

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I recently encountered a survey of 1,000+ dietitians conducted by Pollock Communications and Today’s Dietitian which essentially asked these dietitians what they deemed to be the most prominent nutrition trends of the coming year. I thought I’d use today’s post to identify those trends and, as the keen and savvy

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June 14th is acknowledged globally by 194 WHO Member states as World Blood Donor Day. A day dedicated to raising awareness around the importance of blood donation and the role it plays in saving lives across the globe and here at home. According to Health Canada data, over half of

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