Given that I’m currently promoting the upcoming release of my 30-Minute DASH Diet Cookbook, it would be a missed opportunity for me not to take a couple of hundred words to discuss one of the most popular trends in the world of salt & sodium. Pink Himalayan Salt. If you’ve

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Got rice? Most of the globe certainly does. Rice sits among the top 3 mostly widely produced and consumed grains rice in the world alongside familiar favourites wheat and corn. It’s certainly one of the top 3 most widely consumed grains in my household as well. Known not only for

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Welcome to Week 3 of Caffeine Awareness Month! If you’re late to the party, I’m working in collaboration with the Canadian Beverage Association to deliver hard hitting caffeine-fueled content all month long. So far I’ve already written a brief history of humanity’s use and discovery of caffeine as well a

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Is organic produce worth it? Is it healthier? These are questions that my clients bring to me time and time again. Despite a growing public interest in organic food, I find that many people I encounter still do not have a good grasp of what it really means for a

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After years of it being acknowledged that incorporating soy-based foods offered a cardiovascular benefit, and considering soy’s inclusion in Dr Jenkins’ 2011 portfolio diet study on cholesterol lowering, it came as some surprise that in October 2017, the FDA put in a proposal to revoke soy’s health claim. Here’s a

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People come to my office all the time because they are concerned about the nutritional adequacy of their diet. Although eating what some call a “ healthy, balanced diet” requires more than just getting enough vitamins, minerals and other nutrients. You do still need to make sure you get enough

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The Game Changers is the latest in what appears to be a multi-year wave of pro-vegan documentaries airing on Netflix. And it’s working. Veganism is one of the fastest growing societal trends, and I don’t necessarily mind. Loyal readers of this blog will probably recall my guarded but generally positive

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The brain is a powerful thing. So powerful in fact that, for many of us, the manner in which we think can be either be of great benefit or great detriment to our quality of life. This is true At least according to Cognitive Behavioural Theory ( and Cognitive Behavioural

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Stop comparing yourself to…….. other dietitians! This one goes out to all of my fellow RDs. Today’s very special guest article is written for you, by a lovely dietitian by the name of Jess Serdikoff Jess is concerned about how dietitian’s view and treat themselves, so she’s decided she wants

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