The Numerous Health Benefits Of Curcumin

I’ll be the first to admit how eager I’ve been to carve out the time to write a proper piece on turmeric, which is often referred to in the supplemental space by the name of its primary bioactive ingredient curcumin. I write often on the supplements and health conditions that

Ashwagandha For Stress, Sleep, Anxiety & More

Ashwagandha, also referred to as Withania somnifera, is a plant species that is perhaps best known for its use as herbal remedy in Ayuverdic medicine. In addition to its rich history and traditional usage, Ashwaganda supplements are obviously also generating a great deal of interest in the public and scientific

The Four Best Supplements For Migraine Relief

Today represents the first in a multi-part exploration of the connection between diet, supplementation and migraine. Before we get to the good stuff I must note that today’s article is the direct result of the work of my research assistant Huda Fareed (research) and my Kaleigraphy writing intern Kat Durtson

Supplements For Hypothyroidism – Do Any Help?

I have to start by apologizing for taking this long to write on a topic that is of great interest to my client base and the public at large – hypothyroidism. In 2018 the hypothyroid medication Synthroid (levothyroxine)  was, by a significant margin, the most dispensed medication in Canadian pharmacies. Health

Endometriosis & Your Diet – Which Foods Help?

Endometriosis is an inflammatory ailment characterized by the growth of tissue that is similar to that which lines the uterus starts to also grow outside of the uterus. Those living with endometriosis may experience chronic pain in the pelvic region and abnormal pain during their periods and/or during sexual intercourse.

The Best Foods & Supplements For Female Fertility

The topic of female fertility is a complex one, and dietary choices are one of only a number of relevant considerations that can be intervened upon to enhance the likelihood of conception. Given that a number of my clients are increasingly curious about this topic, the only logical course of

What’s It Like Working With A Dietitian Like Myself?

Have you ever visited my website to read a blog post and wondered what it might be like to work with me? Perhaps been curious about the different types of food-related problems I help people solve? Well, today’s article is for you. Yes, I could just direct you to the

Is All Soy GMO And Bad For The Environment?

Despite my robust efforts thus far in defending the safety and utility of soy intake as an economic means to reduce animal protein consumption and add dietary variety,  I do feel as though there are a few stones that I’ve left unturned. My long-time readers will know that I’ve touched

Why Are CoQ10 Supplements Top Sellers Globally?

Given their immense popularity among my clients and the general public, I’ve made it a habit of late to focus my writing attention on the world’s top selling dietary supplements. Having previously discussed biotin, Vitamin D,  melatonin, collagen and probiotics among other Amazon best-sellers, today I turn my attention to

Do Probiotic Supplements Actually Work?

Today I’m going to answer the trillion culture… oops I mean dollar question… Do you need a probiotic? Well actually, the probiotic industry is more like a multi-billion dollar industry and , as we all know, when money gets in the way sometimes the science gets muddled. But wait, what