The Foods That Are Most Anti-Inflammatory

Inflammation is a contributor, if not a driver, of many of the most prominent health conditions. As a result, eating a more anti-inflammatory diet can help with: Arthritis Anxiety/Depression Fatty Liver Disease PCOS Among many others. This explains why there is a great deal of interest around the foods that

Basenpowder – A Mag, Cal & Zinc Supplement

In Canada there are a set of essential nutrients which tend to be under consumed by the general public. This is a fancy way of saying that a meaningful percentage of people are likely falling short on specific vitamins and minerals. Population data on nutrient intake interests me greatly as

Zinc – Benefits & Which Foods Have The Most?

In certain demographics in Canada it is possible that up to around 1 in 3 people consume zinc below the recommended levels. Given that June is Men’s Health Month, and that Zinc intake is tied both to male testosterone levels and erectile dysfunction risk, I could hardly think of a

Does Caffeine Affect Women’s Hormones & Fertility?

I’ve been known to take a great scientific interest in the effects of caffeine consumption on human health. And why wouldn’t I? Something like 80% of the global population ingests caffeine on a daily basis, the overwhelming majority of which comes from coffee. Coffee is, in fact, the top source

You Need To Eat More Magnesium – Here’s Why

The majority of population level data suggests that that current magnesium intake levels are insufficient among a significant portion of adults. Earlier this year I did a live segment on CTV’s The Social discussing magnesium’s importance and apparently popularity. It is also true magnesium supplements are currently everywhere on page one

Psyllium Fibre – Best Supplement For Better Poops?

Let me start by saying the goal of today’s article is not to explicitly or broadly recommend the use of psyllium fibre, rather it is to explore the scientific reasons why this fibre supplement above all others is the most useful for improving your bowel habits. Whether you personally choose

Nutrition For Optimal Sperm Health [Male Fertility]

Having spent a good deal of time the last two weeks recording content for my new YouTube channel, which I encourage you guys to check out, I knew it was now time to return to my true passion – writing. Today’s article is one that I’ve been wanting to put

Probiotics – 8 Conditions They May Help With

If you’re a regular reader of my blogs you may feeling a bit like every single health condition out there has some connection with your gut health. I mean, it kind of does! Dysbiosis of the human digestive tract, essentially an imbalance between “good” and “bad” bacteria, has been increasingly

Psyllium Fibre For Blood Sugar & Cholesterol

Supplementation is a massive topic of interest in the management of any health condition and is often driven as much by marketing as it is by actual scientific evidence of efficacy. There is no doubting the fact a Google search of “diabetes supplements” will yield a number of product suggestions