Nutrition For PCOS – The Best Foods & Supplements

Having spent a great deal of time recently researching and writing on all things nutrition for PCOS, I’ve ultimately decided to put all of my best PCOS content in one place in order to make it easier to access. Each of the blog posts below will offer unique insights into

The Hottest Nutrition Trends & Topics Of 2021

I recently encountered a survey of 1,000+ dietitians conducted by Pollock Communications and Today’s Dietitian which essentially asked these dietitians what they deemed to be the most prominent nutrition trends of the coming year. I thought I’d use today’s post to identify those trends and, as the keen and savvy

The Top 8 Foods That Will Lower Your Blood Pressure

The majority of the most frequently prescribed and dispensed medications across North America are for lowering blood pressure. It is an incredibly common issue and one of the main reasons why an otherwise healthy person might end up at the doctor’s office requiring a prescription. As I discuss at length

What’s It Like Working With A Dietitian Like Myself?

Have you ever visited my website to read a blog post and wondered what it might be like to work with me? Perhaps been curious about the different types of food-related problems I help people solve? Well, today’s article is for you. Yes, I could just direct you to the

Soy Intake For Women With PCOS – Hurt Or Help?

Having previously discussed the generally positive effects of soy intake across a broad range of health outcomes, I came to the realization that there was perhaps one very important condition that I left out – PCOS. PCOS or Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome in full, may affect up to 1 in 10

Why Are CoQ10 Supplements Top Sellers Globally?

Given their immense popularity among my clients and the general public, I’ve made it a habit of late to focus my writing attention on the world’s top selling dietary supplements. Having previously discussed biotin, Vitamin D,  melatonin, collagen and probiotics among other Amazon best-sellers, today I turn my attention to

Can Certain Foods Prevent Alzheimer’s & Dementia?

Dementia & Alzheimer’s are becoming an increasingly prevalent reality in our aging population. I’ve seen first hand how it can affect those you care about, and it’s scary. The question I always like to ask, in the face of such concerns, is what role does nutrition play in prevention. Given

Is Breakfast The Most Important Meal Of The Day?

Is breakfast everything we were told it was growing up? Once regarded as gospel, questions now swirl around whether or not breakfast truly is the “most important meal of the day”. I’m going to attempt to answer that question combining my own personal views, clinical insights from my practice and,

The Effects Of Cannabis & CBD On Human Health

Now that it is legal in Canada, there is no use tiptoeing around the subject of marijuana and health. As a dietitian, my professional activities are centred around empowering people to make decisions within their own contexts to achieve the best possible health, whatever that may mean to them. Before