Strawberries Are Both Fashionable & Functional

I’m so thrilled to once again be partnering with the California Strawberry Commission on a fun new educational campaign. My long-time followers will know that I’ve written a number of strawberry-themed articles in the past, and I never turn down an opportunity to shine the spotlight on one of my

Optimize Your Health With California Strawberries

Let me start by unequivocally identifying that strawberries, both fresh and frozen, are one of my favourite fruits to enjoy year-round. I eat them most days of the week and it naturally brings me a great deal of joy in this challenging time to once again be working with The

3 Reasons Why You Should Eat More Strawberries

I’m once again thrilled to be partnering with the  California Strawberry Commission  and sharing some important information about strawberries from the state that grows more than anywhere else in the world – California. Fortunately for all parties involved, fresh strawberry season in California is robust and stretches from February until

The Health Benefits Of California Strawberries

It’s not every day that the California Strawberry Commission comes knocking on your door and offers you an opportunity to work with them to promote the consumption of what is, unarguably, one of the healthiest available for human consumption: California Strawberries. This is probably the most enjoyable article that I’ve

Camu-camu Extract- A New Fatty Liver Supplement?

Camu-camu, scientifically Myrciaria dubia, is a plant species native to the Amazon rainforest that bears a polyphenol-rich fruit resembling a cherry. It is a type of fruit that people in North America may not be likely to encounter in its original fresh form, but that is also available as a powdered

How To Raise Your Good [HDL] Cholesterol – 4 Tips

Have you been told by your doctor that your HDL or “good” cholesterol is too low? HDL cholesterol helps your body get rid of excess fats in the bloodstream – a very important functionality. The functionality of HDL is mirrored by its cholesterol efflux activity, as well as its antioxidant

Elderberry & Vitamin C For The Common Cold

Hello everyone! Elderberry, scientifically known as Sambucus nigra, is a flowering plant from which supplemental extracts are often made. It is an anthocyanin-rich purple berry that grows in many of the warmer regions of the world. Supplemental elderberry extracts are often marketed as an immune boosting supplement, and the goal

You Need To Eat More Vitamin A – Here’s How.

Last year the American Journal Of Clinical Nutrition published a paper based on recently released survey data looking at the eating habits of Canadian adults. They found that very specific vitamins and minerals were under consumed by large swathes of the population. Today my gaze turns to Vitamin A, for

The Four Biggest Caffeine Nutrition Myths

I like to think of caffeine as everyone’s favourite 8 carbon compound. But that’s because I’m a weird science guy and its chemical structure is: C8H10N4O2 In reality, caffeine is often referred to as the most widely consumed Central Nervous System stimulant (CNS) globally – but you probably know it

Endometriosis & Your Diet – Which Foods Help?

Endometriosis is an inflammatory ailment characterized by the growth of tissue that is similar to that which lines the uterus starts to also grow outside of the uterus. Those living with endometriosis may experience chronic pain in the pelvic region and abnormal pain during their periods and/or during sexual intercourse.