In my career I’ve always to devote extra attention to families of foods that are either under consumed or underappreciated relative to their nutritional value. Soy-based foods like tempeh, tofu, edamame and soy-milk certainly check both boxes. While I’ll be the first to admit that no one NEEDS to eat

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If you’ve yet to read part I of this series, you can do so here. Let’s keep the party going. Today’s content is a little bit spicier, hope you enjoy it. The concept of “serving size” kind of doesn’t exist but it kind of does I wanted to include this

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Nearly a decade into my career as a private practice dietitian, there could hardly be a better time than now to put virtual pen to paper and express to you some of the broader nutrition philosophies I’ve developed during that period of time. Those who have worked with me over

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Today’s article promises to be a fun one, and very likely the last one I’ll publish this year. In order to best understand consumer health trends, I frequently monitor Amazon Canada’s top selling supplements list. This is an imperfect but serviceable way to understand which types of supplements are being

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June is Juice Celebration Month and I’m back once again, in collaboration with the Canadian Beverage Association, to discuss some of the benefits of 100% fruit juice. In my first article, entitled The Three Biggest Myths About 100% Fruit Juice, I looked towards population data to correct a number of

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First and foremost, I want to wish each and every one of you a happy and healthy New Year! To my clients, friends, family, colleagues and anyone who regularly enjoys my content – THANK YOU! It was a tough year, but your support and encouragement has made it far more

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Several years after enjoying a significant surge in popularity, the ketogenic diet remains a salient if not divisive topic in the world of nutrition. I also can’t deny that my clients tend to carry a general curiosity on the topic, which I can hardly blame them for given the keto

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